Category: Uncategorized

  • Being obsessive about detail is being normal | Spiekerblog

    Every craft requires atten­tion to detail. … Unless you are obsessed by what you’re doing, you will not be doing it well enough. via Being obsessive about detail is being normal | Spiekerblog.

  • Measure Up | S.B.LattinDesign

    Measure Up | S.B.LattinDesign. What a fantastic graphic.

  • My Clown Backstory

    I was born between the first & second World Wars. I sold newspapers for my family but was fired when I created too many paper hats. My soul occasionally rises and falls with the sounds of the ocean which carried my grandfather to this country from Bologna. I don’t touch knives on account of the…

  • The Problem with Music

    Two years ago I threw some money at an idea. The idea was big: raise $11,000 to hire an orchestra to record some music. The music was in the public domain — Mozart, Beethoven, etc. — but recordings of it were not. So, if you were able to read the public domain sheet music and…

  • Exercises from the #2510’s Project

    If you’re not already aware of my #2510s project I’ll give you a brief recap: I wrote 25 ten-minute plays over the summer of 2011 and released them on the web. Each of 20 of the 25 plays were rewritten using some exercises I’d been developing and testing over the past couple of years. Some…

  • The #2510s Project

    So I started a little project. I use the term “little” because that is how it appears to most outside observers. To me it is far larger than a “little” project. I can count the days and hours spent on the creation of the final product itself. None of that, however, involves the time spent…

  • The Skills I Happened Upon

    The Inspiration Pop marketing guru extraordinaire Seth Godin had a marvelous post recently. It was titled Time for a workflow audit, but the relatively short tidbit inside sparked a moment of self-reflection on my part. By the way, if you’re not following Seth’s daily tidbits of advice you should be (and you should use RSS).…

  • The Revision Decision

    To revise, or not to revise, that is the Question Last semester I penned a play called The Decision and asked for comments from a variety of sources (including in the comments of this website). The comments did not flood in. One of the difficulties of crowdsourcing something like dramaturgy with lengthy material (even as…

  • Creative Commons Confusion

    Recently I received a question from a former student and friend that highlights the confusion concerning copyright law and the various types of Creative Commons licenses. I wrote about the Creative Commons license I choose to use in a previous post but I wanted to tackle this question in its own post as I think…

  • Why I Choose Creative Commons BY-SA

    People have been asking… “Why are you not using copyright” or “why would you let people copy your stuff?” Well, I am using copyright (despite my opinion of it) because Creative Commons is a copyright license and it is my right to distribute and share my work in any way I choose. In other words:…

  • My Play in RROAPS 2011

    The Decision to be Produced As luck would have it a little play of mine (at present titled The Decision) has been selected for a production in the RROAPS one-act festival at Texas Tech for the coming Spring. Perhaps it wasn’t luck at all (maybe it was something else) but I’m not complaining. Here’s the…