pandas, COVID-19, and plotting

# Import Libraries
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib

# Magic Code for Inline Display
# in Jupyter Notebook (if you're using that)
%matplotlib inline

# Create Dataframe from tables at URL for Iowa COVID-19 Testing
url = ''
df = pd.read_html(url)

# There are multiple tables on the page,
# and they are saved in a list.
# Choose the 2nd table and rename to 'df'
df = df[1]

# Set the type for the column 'Date' as a datetime type.
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])

# Set the newly typed "Date" column as the index.
df.index = df['Date']

# Create a new dataframe from the original with only
# the 'Pending','Negative', and 'Positive' columns
iowa_testing = df[['Pending','Negative','Positive']]

# Plot this new dataframe as a stacked bar graph 
# Invert the axis so time moves forward.

It outputs something that looks like this.