Rolling Dice in Python

The below rolls dice in python.  I’ve long loved python for dice-rolling―having created a now defunct twitterbot and a mastodon bot―it was nice to write this up briefly as I’m working on re-re-re-learning python.

from random import randint 
total_dice = int(input('How many dice? ')) 
dice_val = int(input("How many sides? ")) 
rolls = [] 
high_roll = 0 
low_roll = 0 
for i in range(total_dice): 
 roll = randint(1, dice_val) 
nums = len(rolls) 
print("Roll #\tRoll") 
for i in range(nums): 
 print("#" + str(i+1) + ":\t" + str(rolls[i])) 
print("Highest: " + str(max(rolls))) 
print("Lowest: " + str(min(rolls))) 
print("TOTAL: " + str(sum(rolls)))

Output looks like the below:

How many dice? 20 
How many sides? 20

Roll # Roll 
#1: 8 
#2: 6 
#3: 18 
#4: 7 
#5: 14 
#6: 7 
#7: 6 
#8: 12 
#9: 2 
#10: 10 
#11: 2 
#12: 13 
#13: 3 
#14: 10 
#15: 20 
#16: 5 
#17: 6 
#18: 19 
#19: 1 
#20: 15 
Highest: 20 
Lowest: 1 
TOTAL: 184

Wonderful fun.