Category: code

  • python & pipenv & direnv




    (bonus points) Now every time you enter or exit the folder you enter the pipenv environment seamlessly. 🙂 Bonus Bonus… Check out for advice on how to setup the environment to display in the bash prompt.

  • @dicewarebot, the solution I needed that no one asked for

    @dicewarebot, the solution I needed that no one asked for

    A number of years ago I was trying to learn python. Random numbers have always amused me (as I was recently reminded by a twitter nod to the weird usage of spreadsheets). A user named @context_ing tweeted: “I love finding the ways in which people use spreadsheets. Personally, I use them for mostly budgeting, workout…

  • pandas, COVID-19, and plotting

    It outputs something that looks like this.

  • hello!!! … World?

    This is the original playscript I wrote for The Art of Python that took place at PyCon U.S. in 2019. I additionally performed the piece at PyCon with the directorial help of Sumana Harihareswara and the stage management work and acting performance as the Figure by Mel Chua. There were some changes to this script…

  • Rolling Dice in Python




    The below rolls dice in python.  I’ve long loved python for dice-rolling―having created a now defunct twitterbot and a mastodon bot―it was nice to write this up briefly as I’m working on re-re-re-learning python. #!/usr/bin/python3 from random import randint total_dice = int(input(‘How many dice? ‘)) dice_val = int(input(“How many sides? “)) rolls = [] high_roll…