Category: quotes

  • Constant.


    The Poster Elements This poster is comprised of the following primary elements: The Creation of Fire The WPA has long been a source of inspiration, awe, and and envy for me. With an extensive background in the arts and theater, the very concept of the government directly investing in the arts in a profound way…

  • Saying No and Yes―Bill Murray Interview

    SR: A lot of folks worry that if they aren’t available or don’t say yes, they’ll stop getting asked. BM: If you keep saying yes, they’ll stop asking you, too. That’s a much more likely event. I think we’re all sort of imprisoned by — or at least bound to — the choices we make, and I think everyone…

  • I can’t recommend strongly enough that you take the time to read the entirety of APPLE INC.’S REPLY TO GOVERNMENT’S OPPOSITION TO APPLE INC.’S MOTION TO VACATE ORDER COMPELLING APPLE INC. TO ASSIST AGENTS IN SEARCH. Some gems below: The government attempts to rewrite history by portraying the [All Writs] Act as an all-powerful magic…

  • Addicted to Distraction –

    Except for brief moments, she didn’t succeed and after a while, she glumly gave up. The silence felt deafening. This reminds me of the Martin Seligman research on learned helplessness. What an awful lesson to learn, that nothing 4-year-old you does is more interesting to your parent than whatever is on their smart phone.

  • workspaces, systems, and old technology

    workspaces, systems, and old technology

    I’ve been thinking about process lately. Okay, I’ve honestly been thinking about process for years. I’ve figured out pieces of my own process over the years through trial and error, reading about other processes, and dumb luck. What I’m most interested in now is how to increase the likelihood of using my own process to…

  • to be productive—start with heart

    to be productive—start with heart

    Where is the heart? Often we describe it as being on the canvas, in the lilt of a voice, or left on the stage. But where is our own heart? We attribute superhuman qualities to creative people. We construct chasms between their accomplishments and our abilities. We manufacture fear, uncertainty, and doubt about our own…